The organisms I choose is flame tree, it came from a family call "Delonix regia from the Fabaceae family(bean family)". Flame tree is also know as Brachychiton acerifolius and is commonly known as the Illawarra flame tree. Flame tree lives in many tropical parts of the world. Closeup of leaves,The royal poinciana, and Flamboyant tree are some example of the organism in it family. Based on https://guam.stripes.com/travel/flame-trees-saipan-ignite-islands-beauty#sthash.LB4jKvTV.dpbs The history of the first Flame Trees that were brought to Saipan was by the Spanish a few seeds from Madagascar during the period they held sway over the Marianas Islands. Some think they were naturally propagated and others believe they arrived more recently.